Prepare your Home for a Successful School Year

It’s ‘Back to School’ season and even if your kids are already in school, it’s still a great time to get your home in order so everyone has a successful school year. Follow these tips to get your home organized and ready for the busy days ahead!
Organize the entryway
Set up the entryway of your home to withstand the morning rush out the door, whether it’s the front door or garage door. Use hooks, cubbies, or a drawer unit to stash your kids’ belongings so you don’t waste time looking for that missing mitten or jacket. Get your kids into the habit of placing their backpacks in their designated places once their homework is finished so they’re ready to go in the morning.
Update your kids’ closets
A new school year usually means a brand-new wardrobe. Make room for their new clothes by going through their closets and purging old clothes they’ve outgrown, are in poor condition, or just don’t get worn anymore. Donate anything that’s still in good condition or passed down to younger siblings. Once you’re finished, organize the closet by clothing type to make getting ready easier in the morning.
Organize the kitchen
If making lunches is your least favorite part of going back to school, a little organization can make that task a breeze. Pick a spot in your kitchen dedicated to lunch construction and set up some containers in the pantry, cabinet or the fridge that holds lunchtime favorites like yogurt, fruit slices or cups, crackers, granola bars, etc. That way all you need to do is grab something from each section and lunch is ready! Or better yet: let your kids put their own lunch together.
Create a family command center
Keep track of everyone’s schedule by creating a family command center. This can be a bulletin board, large calendar, or even just a basket for each child. Use this area to keep important papers, like permission slips, lunch menus, or schedules.
Designate a homework zone
After weeks of homework-less days, getting back into the homework routine can take some time. Make the transition back to completing homework easier by designating a place for homework. Whether it’s the kitchen table, the home office, or their bedrooms, make sure this space is fully stocked with the supplies they’ll need and do your best to limit distractions so your kids can focus on completing their studies.
With a little preparation, you can make sure your home is organized and ready to ace this new school year. At Hayden Homes, we build brand new homes in cities throughout Washington, Idaho, and Oregon that are close to all the things our homeowners prioritize, including great schools. Let us help you find your dream home today!