Simple Ways to Make Your Home a Sanctuary

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April 13, 2021

Simple Ways to Make Your Home a Sanctuary

Simple Ways to Make Your Home a SanctuaryOur homes have become a one-stop shop for everyday life. They have served as our offices, schools, and entertainment centers in addition to hosting regular tasks of eating, sleeping, and relaxing. With our homes serving multipurpose functions, it’s now more important than ever to have a calming space where you can slow down, relax, and let go. Here’s how you can turn your Hayden Home into a sanctuary.

Eliminate distracting clutter

The first step to creating a calming space is clearing distracting clutter. Clutter can increase your stress and anxiety. That’s why it’s difficult to truly relax when there’s toys and clothes scattered across the floor.  Spend some time going through each room in the house and put away anything that doesn’t belong in that room.

Bring the light and outside in

Filling your home with natural light and nature-inspired elements like flowers, greenery, or water features will instantly set your home for relaxation. Pull back the curtains and open the blinds during the day to let the sunshine fill your space. During the evening, using warmer toned lights will help put you at ease as you relax before bed.
Natural elements like flowers and plants are instant mood boosters. Filling your home with plants will put your mind at ease. If you’re worried about keeping them alive, you can experience the same feel-good vibes with artificial plants.

Use your senses

Tune into your sense of smell and touch to help you unwind after a long day. Essential oils like lavender, bergamot, and lemongrass are known for natural relief of stress and anxiety. Scented candles are another good option to use. Furnishing your home with soft and cozy pillows and blankets encourages relaxation.

Create a special space

Designate a specific space in your home solely for relaxation. Doing this will help create the habit of relaxing. Do your best to keep distractions, like your phone and household tasks out of this space. You want to only use this as a place for relaxation. Doing this every day, even if only for a few moments, will help your body to equate that space with relaxing so you’ll feel more at peace the second you step into that space.
Our homes are more than just a place to live; they should also be safe spaces where we can slow down, relax, and connect with ourselves and our loved ones. These simple tips will transform your home into a peaceful and comforting sanctuary you’ll feel good about and in – no matter what’s happening in the world outside your home.

Find a New Home Near You

Are you looking for a brand-new home to create the perfect sanctuary? We can help. Hayden Homes builds single-family homes for every stage in life in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Contact us to start your journey to a new home.